Accessibility is the degree to which something may be used, visited or accessed by all people, regardless of their technical or physical abilities.
When accessibility is applied to the Internet content it is called web accessibility web. On the Web, the W3C has developed specific guidelines or principles to enable and ensure this type of accessibility. The work group within the W3C in charge of promoting it is the WAI.
Web or interface accessibility indicates the access capacity to the Web and its contents by all people, regardless of their handicap (physical, intellectual or technical) that they have or which are derived from the use context (technological or environmental).
Banco de Crédito Cooperativo Has designed its new Website, to make it accessible to all kind of people. For that, it has been taken into account:
Keyboard access keys have been defined to each section of the website. The keyboard shortcuts to the main sections will depend on the device and access platform to theweb. One of the most common is the combination keys [alt]+[access key or ctrl]+[ access key].
The way of accessing to the keyboard shortcuts vary depending of the browser used.
The list shows the access keys in brackets and the section that is accessed.