The Banco de Crédito Cooperativo conceives the corporate governance as the set of policies, measures and instruments both internal (protection to the partners' rights, composition and functioning of the Board, corporate information, etc.) and external (performance in capital markets, in labour market, etc.), with the aim of protecting shareholders, investors and customers; minimizing the agency cost in ethical and efficiency terms and in constant dialogue with interest groups as fundamental element of the cooperation principle.
The fundamental principles of corporate governance are information and transparency. The adequate combination of both is the key to implement good practices of corporate governance and to avoid asymmetry of information.
For Banco de Crédito Cooperativo, the corporate governance is the guarantee of an orderly and ethical behaviour, ensuring the interests of shareholders, investors and customers through the shared value creation concept and the social vocation of the Grupo Cooperativo Cajamar. These two principles are demonstrated in all the information of the Group, including that related to the financial situation, performance, stock ownership and administration.
The Internal Audit Department of BCC (Grupo Cooperativo Cajamar) has been awarded the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) quality certificate and the QAR Quality Seal number 16.002-E, in recognition of the fact that the Internal Audits Department abides by the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing.