05 nov 2021

Grupo Cajamar boosts profit to €62.3 million, triple that at the end of 2020

Revenue generation and a decrease in non-performing assets key to the successful management of the organisation this year, while higher provisions and coverage were set aside and solvency also improved.... (read more...)

02 sep 2021

Grupo Cajamar places 500 million euros of senior preferred debt

Banco de Crédito Social Cooperativo-Grupo Cajamar today placed its first issue of senior preferred debt in a total amount of 500 million euros, maturing in March 2028, with demand reaching 1.6 billion euros. In view of the enthusiastic market reception, the coupon was finally set at 1.75%, lower than originally planned.... (read more...)

05 ago 2021

Grupo Cajamar increases profit to €57.1 million and boosts solvency

Decent business performance and extraordinary transactions in the first half of the year allow group to bolster provisions and coverage, continue to pare back non-performing assets and boost solvency.... (read more...)

12 jul 2021

Cajamar announces the sale of a €500m REO portfolio to Cerberus

Grupo Cooperativo Cajamar has sold a Real Estate Portfolio (REO) composed of 6,000 assets with a total Face Value of c.€500 million to a subsidiary of Cerberus Capital Management, L.P. (“Cerberus”).... (read more...)

20 may 2021

Grupo Cajamar places 600 million euros of subordinated debt

Banco de Crédito Social Cooperativo-Grupo Cajamar today issued 600 million euros of subordinated debt maturing in November 2031, with demand exceeding 1.8 billion euros. The issuer is entitled to cancel the issue before maturity, between May and November 2026.... (read more...)

07 may 2021

Grupo Cajamar records profit of €14 million while continuing to bolster coverages in current economic context

Solid performance in its business fundamentals allows the Group to set aside €512 million —more than its entire gains on financial transactions— to expand coverages, provisions and impairments, and continue paring non-performing assets and strengthening its solvency.... (read more...)

05 feb 2021

Grupo Cajamar reduces profit to bolster coverage and provisions

Its balance sheet and income statement point to the business performing better, more lending, a rise in retail funds, a decrease in non-performing assets, a reduction in foreclosed assets, a smaller NPL ratio, higher NPA coverage ratio and greater solvency.... (read more...)

Banco de Crédito Cooperativo-Grupo Cooperativo Cajamar
Communication address
Paseo de la Castellana 87 28046 Madrid
Telephone 950 210 386 and 914 230 014